1pound cooked chorizo(feeling bold? Use brats! Feeling healthy? Use my homemade turkey chorizo!)
20corn tortillas(or regular corn chips, just skip the first step)
1onion, diced(protip, lightly salt after cutting to take away the bite)
1/2cuppickled jalapeno
2cupsnacho type toppings(you know, tomatoes, rice, beans, olives, whatever you like)
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Preheat grill to medium heat or oven to 350 degrees. As it heats, cut tortillas into quarters. Arrange tortillas on a cast iron or sheet pan, lightly salt, and cook for ~8 minutes or until crisp. (Now would be a great time to chop veggies or cook meat, if needed)
Once tortillas crisp, sprinkle on cheese, onion, and meat (in that order). Cook for about 5-6 minutes or until cheese is as melty as you like.
Once all is baked/cooked, assemble nachos. I don't think you need my help with this. Top with the jalapenos. Serve right out of the pan.